Aid Station Project

Use your legs as helping machines!

aid station project logo


Would you like to gain superpowers? Who doesn't want!?


It is very easy:


1. Invent your own challenge  - examples:

- distance challenge (e.g. how far I can get in 6h, 12h etc.)

- elevation challenge (how many times I can climb a local hill/mountain in 6h, 12h etc.)

- duration challenge (for how many hours I can keep moving or climbing a hill)


2. Share among your friends/family and ask to support with donations


3. Example message you can copy: "Dear friends, I want to use my legs as helping machines during .... of October and run to help homeless kids in Nepal. Please root for me and donate 1 SEK for each km (or hill repetition) so together we can create some positive impact in this Word.  Swish details: Gatubarn Nepal 123 900 36 58 with comment "ASP"


4. Plan it in first 2 weeks of October


5. Push your limits, share on social media, be proud! Feel free to use the logo.



We would like to focus on GatuBarn Nepal this year as well since initiative is still small and we can concentrate all the effort in one point. But if your heart is with some other organization or you feel like supporting other cause please feel free to do so! The most important is to just join, help to grow it and build new tradition of Aid Station Project in the runners community.

There is no hidden agenda just a simple wish to create a positive impact with our running legs.

Aid Station logo
ASP logo.png
Portable Network Image Format 121.9 KB
ASP dude
ASP dude.png
Portable Network Image Format 81.3 KB

Aid Station Project


In October 2020 Daniel Westergren and Olaf Szukalowicz entered a 24h running challenge with the intention to collect money for the people in Log-Logo, a village in Kenya that was highly affected by the negative economic impacts from the global pandemic. Combined, they managed to raise almost 20,000 SEK (€ 2,000). Shortly after, Daniel’s wife, Salandi, traveled to Kenya and was able to purchase food supplies that helped more than 100 families survive during that period.


If only 2 regular runners were able to help so many people, what if the bigger running community gets involved as well? How many more can we help then? That was how the Aid Station Project was born.


In 2021 Aid Station Project took place on 2-3 October and involved more runners. It was still pandemic times so free virtual event was organized and runners has joined from different locations in Sweden. Together we managed to collect almost 60 00 SEK! for Gatubarn Nepal that helps homeless kids in Nepal and fights against sex trafficking.


Lets write new page in history about 2022!