Winter edition of Mossarun on 20km loop (Mossa+WTF, 90% hard trail).
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If it is enough snow, skis are allowed to use. (you can make all loops on skis or mix with run)
Big bonfire non stop with big BBQ and wok available to use.
Obligatory gear: emergency blanket, brain.
START: kl.10:00 Saturday 8th Feb 2025
SWISH: up to you, suggested min 350kr Gatubarn Nepal, 123 900 36 58
or 30 $ to H.E.L.P. link is here
or both!
50 miles (2000m+, 4x20km)
100km (2500m+, 5x20km)
100 miles (4000m+, 8x20km)
Limited number of runners so we can fit around the fire ;)
don't wait