Lindås (10km from Älmhult, 60km from Växjö, 140km from Malmö)
5th of April 2024
start time 10:00 Saturday
Arrive not later then 9:30!
6,7km - 60% soft trail, 40% forest/gravel road, 180m elevation gain
Current record is 26 laps and best female result 15 laps.
REGISTRATION fee includes:
(snacks, home made food, medal)
What is a Backyard Ultra?
Official rules you can read HERE
Tips on how to prepare you can find HERE
Good article from pro's: HERE
- there is some warm food coming in the afternoon - vegan hot soup (gluten free), full of calories, nutrients and tasty. Due to environmental reasons you need to bring your own gear for eating (bowl/plate and cutlery)
-snack table: bananas, chips, sweets, bread with jam, cola, nuts etc
- Park along the road with wheels on the grass. Road is narrow.
- The barn is big, upstairs there is nice floor to sleep so you can come day before also, no heating
- barn is 20m from starting coral, downstairs there is space for 20 runners if you want to have a roof
- big grass area around starting coral for tents
- night will be cold, bonfire will be on whole night, take warm cloths